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CoopMed supports the creation of employment and sustainable economic activities by the civil society, and promotes green and innovative initiatives enhancing social entrepreneurship. CoopMed offers subordinated and senior loans to MFIs, local banks and mutual companies. CoopMed applies a strong social performance policy with the support of a dedicated technical assistance facility.

Social and economic innovation is key to reduce poverty, unemployment and inequalities that are eroding the social cohesion in in the countries on the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean. Through its activities CoopMed aims to:

  • Foster job creation and economic opportunities through the support of local financial actors
  • Support initiatives for economic development promoted by the local civil society
  • Fight climate change by promoting green and innovative initiatives
  • Promote all forms of social economy initiatives: cooperatives, social, green and micro entrepreneurship

Created by and for actors of the social economy, CoopMed aims at sharing its shareholder’s expertise and know-how. Each investment decision is approved by the Board of Directors, composed of shareholders and bondholder’s representatives.

CoopMed establishes strong social performance policy both through client social performance measurement and monitoring and through a dedicated, but separate, technical assistance facility. The purpose of the TA facility is to reinforce clients’ capacities to better achieve their social mission and thereby positively impacting the lives of final beneficiaries.


EUR 17.3 M

Type of services

Financial Support: subordinated and senior loans in local currency (in EUR/USD if possible).
Technical Assistance: Capacity building, Financial engineering, SPM and impact evaluation

Targeted institutions

MFIs, local banks and mutual companies to finance the social economy sector, especially through the financing of cooperatives and social businesses

Area of intervention

Countries on the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean. Lybia and Syria will integrate the zone of eligibility once international sanctions will be lifted.

Total Investment Capacity
Outstanding Portfolio
Target Countries
Portfolio Investees
Active Final Beneficiaries
Average Loan per Investee
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